The business register is the central institution that keeps all data and records up to date. It is mandatory to file the incorporation documents with the register at the time of incorporation of the company and to file any changes in the company board (directors) or shareholders register.
The single register is also available electronically.
The commercial register has the following functions: for the registration of companies and their branches, representative offices and representatives of foreign companies and organizations, cooperatives, to register European economic interest groups, European companies, European cooperatives, political parties and their associations, administrators, insolvent corporations, associations and foundations for legal protection and insolvency proceedings, religious organizations and their institutions, trade unions, mass media, public and private partnership agreements, decisive influence, commercial Pledges, assets from a marital relationship and arbitration courts and ensuring the maintenance of the relevant registers; Providing information about registered companies and legal facts; carry out other tasks specified in laws and regulations.
The Register of Enterprises provides the following services: Register of Enterprises holds an authority to register enterprises or companies (names of enterprises are governed by specific provisions. For example, a name has to be created avoiding inclusion of any misleading information concerning important conditions of entrepreneurship, in particular the legal form of an enterprise (a company) or volume of business. It must also be taken into account that the name is not to be translated.), mass media, commercial pledges, decisive influences, property arising out of a matrimonial relationship, representative offices and representatives of foreign undertakings and organisations, European companies, European co-operative companies, as well as public and private partnership agreements; Register of Enterprises holds an authority to ensure record-keeping of the following registers of entities: the Register of Public Organisations, Commercial Register, Register of Trade Unions, Register of Associations and Foundations, Register of European Economic Interest Groupings, Register of Courts of Arbitration, Register of Political Parties, Insolvency Register and the Register of Religious Organisations and Institutions Thereof; Register of Enterprises holds an authority to accept and examine the documents to be submitted for registration of entities and facts of legal relevance referred to in laws and regulations, and keeps the said documents; Register of Enterprises holds an authority to confirm signatures (signatures are confirmed only for natural persons registered in Latvia and representatives of legal entities, whose representative rights are registered in the public registered of Latvia. Upon confirming a person's signature, an official of the Register of Enterprises verifies the identity and legal capacity of the signatory. The official of the Register of Enterprises confirming a person's signature is not responsible for the content of documents.); Register of Enterprises holds an authority to verify the names (companies) entered into registers maintained by the Register of Enterprises and the relevance of this information; Register of Enterprises holds an authority to examine and prepare replies to the received submissions and requests for information, drafts derivatives of registration files and official documents of the Register of Enterprises, as well as provides the interested parties with the possibility to access the registration files; Register of Enterprises holds an authority to impose sanctions determined by international organisations and deals with cross-border mergers of capital companies.